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Disney refused to make the cuts and the film did not screen there. In November The Eternals, which features a gay couple, prompted edit requests from Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia. The dust-up is not the first time a Marvel movie has fallen foul of Saudi regulators. Advance tickets had been removed from sale in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar, but not in the United Arab Emirates.Īsked on Monday about the film, which stars Benedict Cumberbatch, an employee for AMC Cinemas in Saudi Arabia said it had been “withdrawn”. On Friday the Hollywood Reporter said there were unconfirmed reports that the film had also been banned in Kuwait. “It will never be banned,” he told Agence France-Presse.

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He added: “We sent it to the distributor, and the distributor sent it to Disney, and Disney has told us they are not willing.”īut Alsabhan disputed reports that the movie had been banned outright.

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